[s-cars] after 11,000 miles, car is DEAD

Paul.Park at colorado.edu Paul.Park at colorado.edu
Fri Jul 25 02:11:36 EDT 2003

When everyone would rag about how finicky my car was, I would keep it to myself

that my car was exceptionally good to me, never leaving me stranded.

Well it has stranded me...in a confusing way.

The car just won't turn over. it happened two days ago, and it wouldn't start
until trying a few more times. My on/off mechanic told me it was most likely
vapor lock, and he had been seeing a lot lately.

Well...I left the car alone for two hours in cooler weather (88ish at dusk),
and the car would come close to turning over, but just kept trying.

Any ideas? I just did the timing belt a couple of days ago. My father/former
mechanic, suggested that it might be that the timing is off. If the timing was
off, how could I drive it for about 200 miles without any ill effects? Did the
timing jump?!

Grr...coilpacks and spark plugs look okay...but i've no spares to swap in to
check. Grr...just when I get the coolant leak fixed, the car throws me a swift
left hook.

Help would be appreciated!


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