[s-cars] 1995.5 S6 Avant for sale

Cathy & Jeff Maurer maurerfamily at attbi.com
Sun Jun 1 07:33:57 EDT 2003

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1995.5 Audi S6 Avant

118,000 miles.  Euro mica blue/ecru interior.  All options (integrated phon=
e, Bose, third seat, cold weather).  Intended Acceleration chip and exhaust=
 manifold.  Weathertech mats and cargo liner.  Manuals.  Two sets of wheels=
 (Avus w/ Toyo FZ4 and Audi alloy 5-spoke w/ studless snows - both > 60%).

Second non-smoker Oregon owner (from 1999/35k miles).  All records.  Recent=
 rotors, front struts and Audi battery.  Maintenance intervals observed.

Rare, reliable, beautiful, fun.  $16,000 obo.  New allroad has lured my wif=
e away :-(  Images gladly provided.

503.723.7668  maurerfamily<REMOVE>@attbi.com

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