[s-cars] General Observations on my 6-speed/RS2EM/Stromung Install (longish)

NDoshi at aol.com NDoshi at aol.com
Mon Jun 2 11:22:48 EDT 2003

Hi all,
Some of you know I had my S6 avant in for a little work, Well I got it back last friday and here is what I found
Transmission : I had the flywheel resurfaced before the new clutch was installed. The whole combination does not feel as smoothe as before and I hear a rattle on acceleration above 4.5krpm not matter what gear. I dont know if it is the clutch chattering because it is new or the flywheel weights from the whole assembly being out of balance. It could also be that the exhaust needs adjustment. I'd appreciate any feedback from folks who have done the clutch as to whether they had the whole assembly re-balanced and where. The transmission itself shifts beautifully with slighter shorter throws. the power band is much better utilized, Hey Tom, now 3rd and 4th is insane fun!!!!
Exhaust: Just looking at the stock vs Stromung debate in the last few issues has been entertaining. There is absolutely no doubt in my mind that the RS2 E.M and Stromung change the engine responses for the better. The engine responds much better through out the rev band and boost onset is much smoother with my Hoppen Stage 1. Overboost is still noticable but not as much as with the stock exhaust. The big penalty though in all of this is noise. I don't know if it is because it is a wagon and you do not have the rear blocked off as in a sedan but the drone is pretty bad. My better half is complaining big time and I may have to put the stock system back in.
Thanks to Tom Saltino and Bob Pastore for advice and ear bending sessions.

next up - brakes

Nick Doshi
1995.5 S6A
1993 S4

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