[s-cars] Sabine Defensive Offensive

Tom Green trgreen at comcast.net
Wed Jun 11 02:38:06 EDT 2003

On Tuesday, June 10, 2003, "Krasusky Paul (WQQ2PXK)"
<pkrasusky at ups.com> , calibrates laser rangefinder and fires precision

> "highlights"

> "R+C" pontificated:
> <<<PS - Paul, not only does Sabine smoke tyres, she has won the 24
> Hours
> Race at the 'Ring twice - I've not noticed your name in Autosport!>>>
> Ya know, Robin, lighten up already.  Geeze.  A mere tongue in cheek
> comment
> that she wasn't a hottie and you get your panties all twisted in a
> knot.
> Take the thong out from your backside and try to recognize a joke there
> killer...
> Mixed in with this hot-air, the suggestion to go there to enjoy and not
> attack is a very wise one.  Don't ask about the accident and death
> rates...
> Back to your regularly scheduled programming.
> -P tongue always firmly in cheek, typically joined by foot, K., (aka,
> P+K?)

I am pleased to see a polite, measured response, Pauly.  No
flamethrowers or napalm area strikes.  Looks like civility has really
returned to the list-- and pomposity remains, of course.
I thought the idea was some enjoyable recreation. I don't know of
anyone bringing any manhood issues with them-- except maybe that
Frenchman?  :-)  I can't help it.  The Prez wants us to keep kicking
the French. :-)
Did someone invite Paul F ?

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