[s-cars] RE: transmission found - 6 gang

Stefan Richter stefan13 at att.net
Thu Jun 12 22:59:34 EDT 2003

As you all now by now know, I have purchased a 6/95 S6 Avant with 97K
miles.  I knew the car needed the two air flap motors and some TLC when
I bought it, but thought it was otherwise in good shape.  Igor was kind
enough to lend me his patience, and we were (he was) able to replace the
flap motors without taking the dashboard out.

All was fine until a few days ago, when a birdy creeped into the tranny.
My wife actually laughed when the car made that noise.  Thinking it was
the center support bearing, I took it to the mechanic, who after
draining the oil, confirmed the worst - tranny cooked - no birdy.  With
the wife in the hospital giving birth, my sedan for sale and me at my
wit's end, Igor came to the rescue and posted my dilemma to this list.
Thanks to him and all your replies, I was able to find a 6 speed, which
will be delivered and installed next week.  Thanks again to all.

And most importantly, my son was born on Sunday, 6/8, 8 lbs, 6.2 oz, 21
inches, and came home yesterday.  Son, mommy, 2 yr old daughter and
proud Papa are doing fine.

Thanks again.

Stefan Richter
95 S6 sedan (currently on ebay)
95 S6 Avant (currently on the lift)
01 Passat - extended warranty to 100K :-)

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