[s-cars] French drivers..........Fred in particular

Charlie Smith charlie at elektro.cmhnet.org
Tue Jun 24 11:46:45 EDT 2003

Earlier, Keith Maddock wrote:
> I even got a bumper sticker...  "I survived Fred in Paris"

Ummm.  Guys, I had a ride with Fred down the Champs Elysée
in the Blue Beast (Mk I), at somewhere around 150 Km/hr.
That was after we came off the Periphique (sp?) at some higher
rate of speed.

My survival was probably due to the quantities of Grand Marnier
I'd used for preparation before the ride  :-)

I think that was before the bumper stickers were made up ...

    - Charlie

> Adrian, I'm afraid now that you've voilated the club rules, you'll be terminated.  Apparently my attempt at sabotaging your clutch wasn't enough, we'll try again :)
> In 3 weeks, if still alive, I'll be up for another bumper sticker "I survived Fred in Monte Carlo"
> Cheers,
> Keith
> Keith Maddock, TRW Automotive,  Koblenz, Germany
> Slip Control Systems, Systems Design, Traction Control
> +49 (0)261/ 895 2474    -   -   keith.maddock at trw.com
> >>> Adrian Hart <mail at red-wing.co.uk> 22:16:19 23.06.2003 >>>
> >> Maybe with our friend-from-UK-now-driving-french-diesel-car, you can start a
> club: I survived Fred Ride in Paris. <<
> We have one - we call it "Fred Club"
> The First Rule of Fred Club is you do not talk about Fred Club
> The Second Rule of Fred Club is you DO NOT TALK ABOUT FRED CLUB.
> (That's why Keith and I are keeping quiet.)
> Third rule: If this is your first time at Fred Club, you'll feel fright.
> ;-)
> Adrian Hart

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