[s-cars] why hate Frederic... when you can hate ME? Road repo rt

Frederic L'Huillier Frederic.L'Huillier at Siebel.com
Fri Jun 27 14:54:02 EDT 2003

Carrera GT is not Twin Turbo !
Carrera GT is not an Audi !


-----Original Message-----
From: Krasusky Paul (WQQ2PXK) [mailto:pkrasusky at ups.com]
Sent: Friday, June 27, 2003 2:48 PM
To: Frederic L'Huillier; S-Car list
Subject: RE: [s-cars] why hate Frederic... when you can hate ME? Road
repo rt


Thanks!  Heh, I was just hecklin' ya, and using your story as a launch
pad for mine.  I am happy for you as well, being able to both drive
that, as well as sit / start the Bimoto.

V10 TT?  Really now?  Carrera GT?  Do tell do tell.  Inquiring minds
wanna know ;-)  Looking forward to hearing more, obviously!


-----Original Message-----
From: Frederic L'Huillier [mailto:Frederic.L'Huillier at Siebel.com]
Sent: Friday, June 27, 2003 3:17 AM
To: Krasusky Paul (WQQ2PXK); S-Car list
Cc: jimmaaaaay; mdlemasters; Rogbro; jeff; Jay Kelly
Subject: RE: [s-cars] why hate Frederic... when you can hate ME? Road
report, NAC, of course...


Happy for you. That car must be absolutely great to drive.

Don't worry, you are going to even hate me more next week.
One tip: V10 TwinTurbo


-----Original Message-----
From: Krasusky Paul (WQQ2PXK) [mailto:pkrasusky at ups.com]
Sent: Thursday, June 26, 2003 8:52 PM
To: S-Car list
Cc: jimmaaaaay; mdlemasters; Rogbro; jeff; Jay Kelly
Subject: [s-cars] why hate Frederic... when you can hate ME? Road
report, NAC, of course...

Afternoon, Gents-

Well, Ma Nature finally allowed for some after-work evening silliness
that's been brewing for some time here now.  A few of you are already
aware of the "riduculousfactor" that will be included below.

Do we all hate Frederic for his MTM RS6 adventure?  Sure.  Will you hate
me worse?  Er, possibly...

My bud Brian with the //SFest F355S that I got to flog around last year
recently made a new acquisition.  Soooooooo, what is piloting an, oh,
'03 Porsche GT2 like?  NOT around the block, but at, er, uh, 155mph?
Read on, if you'd like to hear about it (long, but hope you enjoy!).
Brace yourself:

What's it like?  In a word?  ADRENALINE.

A number of my localidiotcarfriends converged at my place LATE last
night... 2 neu //S4s, E46 ///M3, WRX, and a 500E.  Gawking wasn't on the
agenda, we'd taken care of that weeks ago when he got it, fondling it
appropriately.  For the record, Basalt Black / black gut.  Embossed
crests on headrests, alcantara headliner, aluminum
kickplates/shifter/ebrake/gauges, yellow belts to match the yellow
calipers, ceramic brakes, GT2 embroidered where the rear seat would be,

DAMN is this thing simply void of f'n color!  All the black grilles,
intakes, etc. vanish.  Gone.  First thing that comes to mind is
BATMOBILE, and that's not a bad thing.  This thing is the absolute
ABSENSE of friggin light.  Even seems to suck in some of the light
surrounding it.  Black hole comes to mind.  So does Darth F'n Vader.

Start her up, she erupts to a nice boxer burble after your typical
Porsche-starter sound, which I've always dug.  Clutch is heavy, but
engagement is rather simple.  Warm it up for a few, we caravan down the
road a bit to the on ramp, I'm last in line.  As we get on, one by one,
they each begin to walk away up the ramp.  Time for the loud pedal.

WHOA!  Muther F'er is this thing downright violently outrageously f'n
fast. OK, you assumed that.  But oh nelly, not THIS fast.  It's silly.
Your brain struggles to keep up with the activity.  Rear end
squatstheFdown, nose tips up, and steering gets rather light, twitchy.
OK, very twitchy!  Go for a quick speedo glance, can't read it!  Notice
the easy to read digital readout, NOW I understand the need for that. My
friends go by me in reverse, each at their respective redlines,
butofcourse.  Cruising in 5th, you wonder why there's a 6th...

Then you mash it in 5th...  acceleration akin to that of FIRST GEAR in
my f'n car!  Holy f'n SCHNIKIES!  Your satchel begins to creep on up
inside for protection, meanwhile every ounce of concentration is
commanded.  Hitting 6th, you wonder if NASA had a hand in development,
as you're heading for the flippin moon.  And the sound.  Whoamomma,
intake snarl, burblebrap city, galore.  It's nice and loud at full song.
OK, full wail...

Exit ramp comes, downshits with matched revs are very rewarding.  Ah the
sound.  Brakes?  WTF?!?!  99% zero dive, and you S_T_O_P.  That's it, no
fuss.  Now for some fun.  1st gear, nice and warm, let her launch,
expecting some bakeage of the rears.  Nope.  Hooks righttheFup.  1st is
virtually a sneeze.  Ah CHOO, limiter is smacked in negative 2 seconds,
slap 2nd, expect some chirp / wag / etc.  Nope.  Guess baking 18x12 315s
taint that simple. 3rd, and things are now really happening all around
you.  The scenery, the road, the cacophony of f'n madness behind you.
Oddly enough, no notable turbo noise, at all.  Must be drowned by intake
/ exhaust howl.

We loop around, back on the highway, and head for his place in roughly
the same fashion.  Return trip affords a bit more opportunity to
'stretch'.  One Five Five, whoops, and I has to exit.  Damn.  Not an
easy 1-5-5, either. Well, easy to get there, in a hurry, but LOTS of
commotion going on. Steering input, suspension feedback, etc., this
ain't no kittycat, uh uh. I've not even scratched the surface of
potential here yet.  Go through one lane brownstone tunnel from stop in
1st.  YEOW, you psyche ducks for cover as the brappety shrill

Drop off the toy and pick up the '94 E500 Euro Limited to head back to
my place.  My turn again?  OOOOOOOOOKaaaaaaaaaaay.  No replacement for
displacement, that thing boogies.  Hunkers down and GOES.  Funny thing
is 140, which came nice and quick, felt literally like a Sunday stroll
to church with grandma.  So composed, so unfettered in comparison...
GT2? Raw.  Visceral.  Brutal.  Ballistic.  F'n MENTAL.

Best part was the last thing he said to me before he left my place.
"Doooooood.  You GOTTA drive the GT2 again."  OOOOOOOOooooKaaaaaaaay!
Then, even better!  "Dooood.  We got to drive this back to back with the
F355, then together side to side, then switch.  Next week."

I'm sorry.  Couldn't stand to sit and let poor Frederic garner all the
bad love here.  Try not to hate me too badly now 8-).

Hope you enjoyed.  I did!

-Paulie Corruptforlife
CT home of insanity
'95 Not a GT2
'58 Not an F355S

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