[s-cars] why hate Frederic... when you can hate ME? Road repo rt
Sandy Sligh
sdslig at yahoo.com
Fri Jun 27 07:07:54 EDT 2003
--- Frederic L'Huillier
<Frederic.L'Huillier at Siebel.com> wrote:
> Carrera GT is not Twin Turbo !
> Carrera GT is not an Audi !
> Regards,
> Frederic
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Krasusky Paul (WQQ2PXK)
> [mailto:pkrasusky at ups.com]
> Sent: Friday, June 27, 2003 2:48 PM
> To: Frederic L'Huillier; S-Car list
> Subject: RE: [s-cars] why hate Frederic... when you
> can hate ME? Road
> repo rt
> F-
> Thanks! Heh, I was just hecklin' ya, and using your
> story as a launch
> pad for mine. I am happy for you as well, being
> able to both drive
> that, as well as sit / start the Bimoto.
> V10 TT? Really now? Carrera GT? Do tell do tell.
> Inquiring minds
> wanna know ;-) Looking forward to hearing more,
> obviously!
> -P
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Frederic L'Huillier
> [mailto:Frederic.L'Huillier at Siebel.com]
> Sent: Friday, June 27, 2003 3:17 AM
> To: Krasusky Paul (WQQ2PXK); S-Car list
> Cc: jimmaaaaay; mdlemasters; Rogbro; jeff; Jay Kelly
> Subject: RE: [s-cars] why hate Frederic... when you
> can hate ME? Road
> report, NAC, of course...
> Paul,
> Happy for you. That car must be absolutely great to
> drive.
> Don't worry, you are going to even hate me more next
> week.
> One tip: V10 TwinTurbo
> Regards,
> Frederic
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Krasusky Paul (WQQ2PXK)
> [mailto:pkrasusky at ups.com]
> Sent: Thursday, June 26, 2003 8:52 PM
> To: S-Car list
> Cc: jimmaaaaay; mdlemasters; Rogbro; jeff; Jay Kelly
> Subject: [s-cars] why hate Frederic... when you can
> hate ME? Road
> report, NAC, of course...
> Afternoon, Gents-
> Well, Ma Nature finally allowed for some after-work
> evening silliness
> that's been brewing for some time here now. A few
> of you are already
> aware of the "riduculousfactor" that will be
> included below.
> Do we all hate Frederic for his MTM RS6 adventure?
> Sure. Will you hate
> me worse? Er, possibly...
> My bud Brian with the //SFest F355S that I got to
> flog around last year
> recently made a new acquisition. Soooooooo, what is
> piloting an, oh,
> '03 Porsche GT2 like? NOT around the block, but at,
> er, uh, 155mph?
> Read on, if you'd like to hear about it (long, but
> hope you enjoy!).
> Brace yourself:
> What's it like? In a word? ADRENALINE.
> A number of my localidiotcarfriends converged at my
> place LATE last
> night... 2 neu //S4s, E46 ///M3, WRX, and a 500E.
> Gawking wasn't on the
> agenda, we'd taken care of that weeks ago when he
> got it, fondling it
> appropriately. For the record, Basalt Black / black
> gut. Embossed
> crests on headrests, alcantara headliner, aluminum
> kickplates/shifter/ebrake/gauges, yellow belts to
> match the yellow
> calipers, ceramic brakes, GT2 embroidered where the
> rear seat would be,
> etc.
> DAMN is this thing simply void of f'n color! All
> the black grilles,
> intakes, etc. vanish. Gone. First thing that comes
> to mind is
> BATMOBILE, and that's not a bad thing. This thing
> is the absolute
> ABSENSE of friggin light. Even seems to suck in
> some of the light
> surrounding it. Black hole comes to mind. So does
> Darth F'n Vader.
> Start her up, she erupts to a nice boxer burble
> after your typical
> Porsche-starter sound, which I've always dug.
> Clutch is heavy, but
> engagement is rather simple. Warm it up for a few,
> we caravan down the
> road a bit to the on ramp, I'm last in line. As we
> get on, one by one,
> they each begin to walk away up the ramp. Time for
> the loud pedal.
> WHOA! Muther F'er is this thing downright violently
> outrageously f'n
> fast. OK, you assumed that. But oh nelly, not THIS
> fast. It's silly.
> Your brain struggles to keep up with the activity.
> Rear end
> squatstheFdown, nose tips up, and steering gets
> rather light, twitchy.
> OK, very twitchy! Go for a quick speedo glance,
> can't read it! Notice
> the easy to read digital readout, NOW I understand
> the need for that. My
> friends go by me in reverse, each at their
> respective redlines,
> butofcourse. Cruising in 5th, you wonder why
> there's a 6th...
> Then you mash it in 5th... acceleration akin to
> that of FIRST GEAR in
> my f'n car! Holy f'n SCHNIKIES! Your satchel
> begins to creep on up
> inside for protection, meanwhile every ounce of
> concentration is
> commanded. Hitting 6th, you wonder if NASA had a
> hand in development,
> as you're heading for the flippin moon. And the
> sound. Whoamomma,
> intake snarl, burblebrap city, galore. It's nice
> and loud at full song.
> OK, full wail...
> Exit ramp comes, downshits with matched revs are
> very rewarding. Ah the
> sound. Brakes? WTF?!?! 99% zero dive, and you
> S_T_O_P. That's it, no
> fuss. Now for some fun. 1st gear, nice and warm,
> let her launch,
> expecting some bakeage of the rears. Nope. Hooks
> righttheFup. 1st is
> virtually a sneeze. Ah CHOO, limiter is smacked in
> negative 2 seconds,
> slap 2nd, expect some chirp / wag / etc. Nope.
> Guess baking 18x12 315s
> taint that simple. 3rd, and things are now really
> happening all around
> you. The scenery, the road, the cacophony of f'n
> madness behind you.
> Oddly enough, no notable turbo noise, at all. Must
> be drowned by intake
> / exhaust howl.
> We loop around, back on the highway, and head for
> his place in roughly
> the same fashion. Return trip affords a bit more
> opportunity to
> 'stretch'. One Five Five, whoops, and I has to
> exit. Damn. Not an
> easy 1-5-5, either. Well, easy to get there, in a
> hurry, but LOTS of
> commotion going on. Steering input, suspension
> feedback, etc., this
> ain't no kittycat, uh uh. I've not even scratched
> the surface of
> potential here yet. Go through one lane brownstone
> tunnel from stop in
> 1st. YEOW, you psyche ducks for cover as the
> brappety shrill
> encompasses.
=== message truncated ===
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