[s-cars] (no subject)

Matt Russell skippertgore at hotmail.com
Wed Mar 5 17:43:38 EST 2003


This is just a stab in the dark, but is it possible that the radiator
supports are bent or slightly out of wack, causing the radiator to sit
closer to the fan than normal?

-Matt, co

ps - are you originally from NH?

I can't visualize the nut you are referring to. More importantly, I'm not
sure if you are better off by having removed it. This being said, I have
cc'd the S Car List on this response, and I trust that they will come up
with BTDT and pertinent suggestions to help you out. Good luck.

Fellow S Listers,
Can you help a brother out?


-----Original Message-----
From: 	KRohnstock at BHF-Law.com [mailto:KRohnstock at BHF-Law.com]
Sent:	Tuesday, February 25, 2003 2:30 PM


I have a 1995.5 S6 which recently gave me some problems.=A0 Recently, while
accelerating hard from a stop light, I heard a ?pop? sound, which was
quickly followed by an illuminated low coolant/engine overheating warning
light, a stalled motor, and coolant gushing from the radiator.=A0 When I
opened the hood, I found all of the blades of the radiator fan strewn about
the engine compartment.=A0 I took it to a local mechanic who replaced the
radiator, the radiator fan, the fan shroud, the fan clutch and the
thermometer.=A0 Turns out that at high rpm, the radiator fan blades would
flex towards the motor and rub against a large six-sided object mounted on
the motor (basically, this object is a nut (not a bolt in the motor) to
receive a wrench or socket).=A0 Eventually, the blades got too close to this
nut, and they all shattered and came off the fan (damaging the radiator and
other parts in the process).=A0 When my mechanic replaced the fan, the new
blades where again rubbing against the nut, so he removed the nut, and now
I don?t have a problem...or do I?=A0 I searched through some S4/S6 chat roo=
and couldn?t find anyone who was complaining of a similar problem.=A0 Sounds
like a design flaw in either the motor or the radiator, but since no one
else has complained of this, I?m wondering if and why I had this unique
(and expensive) problem.=A0 Have you ever heard of such a problem?=A0 Please
Thanks for your help,
Kevin Rohnstock

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