[s-cars] bad coils

James Murray (LMC) James.Murray at ericsson.ca
Wed Mar 12 15:03:09 EST 2003

If you find bad plugs, use the "Bosch Platinum Satisfaction Guarantee" to get your money back !


The 60 Cents rebate kinda makes me laugh... at the price of our plugs they need to do better than 60 cents !!! (Although I wouldn't mind the dream TV ;-))

Cheers, /James.

-----Original Message-----
From: CLAG500 at aol.com [mailto:CLAG500 at aol.com]
Sent: Wednesday, March 12, 2003 2:56 PM
To: KrasuskyP at FirstInterBank.com; James.Murray at ericsson.ca;
s-car-list at audifans.com
Cc: kcquiros at hartfordfinancial.com
Subject: Re: [s-cars] bad coils

Swap the plugs out. I had this same thing happen and assumed it was a coil. After replacing 2 coils with no change I swapped my old plugs for the new ones and the missfire was gone. Seems to be a lot of Bogus plugs floating around these days.

Chad Tobin

In a message dated 3/12/2003 1:02:49 PM Eastern Standard Time, KrasuskyP at FirstInterBank.com writes:

> OK, sorry all, this story's being told backwards...
> From the beginning:
> Kevin chipped his 95.5 / 105k, and soon developed a 'miss' under load.  Car
> idles fine and drives fine until you get into the boost.  He states plugs /
> boots were new a few months ago.  Visually examined both, 'looked' fine.
> Now his wrench is telling him it's a coil (dunno why... Kevin, care to
> share?).
> Before he knew this I offered to swap out my known plugs and / or coils
> (full cover) and see.  But now he seems to 'know' it's the coils.
> So, knowing this...  is it still possible to do the 'unplug the injector
> trick' to diagnose this?  Also, as you and Bob advise, connect plugs with
> cover off and see?  Uh, I'm a dolt remember, please elaborate on the method
> of doing this.  Alsoalso, someone mentioned the need to either crimp on or
> buy a new coil connector from the Stealer...  details?
> Thanks again for the suggestions.  I'm sure we'll hunt and peck our way to
> finding it on Sunday!
> -P with enough of his own issues but helping a brutha out
> against my wife's
> intentions for my free time K.

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