[s-cars] Re: Best Hand Wax

CyberPoet thecyberpoet at cyberpoet.net
Fri Mar 14 09:20:21 EST 2003

The one you use :)

More seriously... if the paint is still in great condition, use a wax
that has no polishes in it (polishes being a nice name for very fine
grit). I've heard good things said about Mother's, among others. Be
very careful about reading labels at the car parts store, since even
bottles that say "pure wax" can still contain polishing compounds...

Personally, I use NuFinish 2000, which is a plastic-polymer sealant
with a polish in it (gee, isn't that the once a year car wax? Yup, all
crap aside, it works), and then apply regular turtle wax or a pure
macguires carnuba wax on top of that every once in a while. The
NuFinish not super nice to new finishes (the polish is a bit on the
rough side for some clear coats), but it works well and does a good job
of sealing exposed metal (little nicks and the like).

=-= Marc Glasgow

On Friday, March 14, 2003, at 07:30 AM, s-car-list-request at audifans.com

> What is your recommendation on best hand wax to use? =A0I have a
> brilliant
> black finish on my 2000 S4 that needs some lovin' this weekend. =A0Any
> suggestions?
> Thanks in advance.
> Bryan

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