[s-cars] Best Hand Wax?

DOUGLAS LANDAETA landaeta1 at comcast.net
Fri Mar 14 12:18:23 EST 2003

I used Zymol for specific manufacturers paint, wife's toyota, volvo,
etc. She loved the smell and I was pleased at the result. The HD
cleanse works very well. Follow instructions as after the first wax
coats, very little is needed to keep it waxed. Have not tried it on the
Pearl as yet, prolly will with warmer weather.

----- Original Message -----
From: CaptMagu at aol.com
Date: Friday, March 14, 2003 10:48 am
Subject: Re: [s-cars] Best Hand Wax?

> --
> [ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
> Bryan
> I have been a fan of Zymol wax for over 10 years. It started when
> I attended
> the BMWCCA Octoberfest in 1989 with my beloved but now gone 1970
> CS Coupe.
> This guy in a white lab coat approached me and asked if he could
> wax my car.
> "Huh?" Says I. He introduced himself as Chuck Bennett and
> explained he was
> the owner of Zymol and traveled the coutry promoting his product
> at all the
> major marque gatherings. He waxes cars that he likes and he liked
> my car. I
> agreed and have been a loyal fan ever since.
> I think the name of the dark color specific wax is Carbon. Don't
> but the
> stuff sold at the major chains. Its not the same. You'll want to
> use their
> surface prep called HD Cleanse first. The initial application
> takes longer
> but subsequent waxing is very quick. There's also hardly any white
> stuff to
> detail out of crevices. Don't be fooled by some claims of 100%
> carnuba wax.
> The wax that's in there is 100% carnuba but typically that's less
> than 5% of
> the total. The Carbon has about 25-30% carnuba. The price is high
> at about
> $40 a can but you'll get 10-15 applications if you use the
> prescibed very
> little for each use. They also encourage you to wax in the direct
> sunlight as
> the heat helps the carnuba to flow out of suspension better. Plus,
> there are
> no harmful by-products. The others use a lot of bad stuff to
> suspend the
> carnuba and thus can cause damage in the direct sun. Did I mention
> how great
> all their stuff smells? Joey and Paulie would probably want to eat or
> whatever this stuff.
> There's also the Zaino polymer products but I haven't had the
> chance to use
> these. BTW my car did win the Concours at the 1st s-car Nationals.
> Hap, gonna be waxin with 70 degree sunshine in Everboost, Maguire
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