[s-cars] Pollen Filter Installation Help (?)

Dave Forgie forgied at direct.ca
Sun Mar 23 16:54:46 EST 2003

Spring has sprung in Vancouver, and I thought I would treat myself to
the mythical pollen filter.  Had my local (non-dealer) parts supplier
order it (4A1 820 367) as per George Grubr's post (FA location MG 2  SG
60 Ilustration 260-10).  It came in on Friday and I went out to install
it this afternoon.  Took off the rain tray (all clips - the 5 mm socket
head nuts have nothing to do with it).  Hmmm...nothing was obvious as to
where it goes.   There is a "box" on the passenger site but it doesn't
look like it wants to be opened without breaking some plastic tabs,
etc.  Any BTDT's???  My node id gedding all snupped up and it wud be
nice to drive pollen free.  (By the way, if this works, I will post
dimensions of the filter as a) it is listed as a part about to be
deleted and b) its just asking for a Home Depot DIY special.)

Dave F.

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