[s-cars] Hap's car is...wow.

mlp qwest mlped at qwest.net
Mon Mar 24 08:56:11 EST 2003

Yep Paul.  No doubt about it.  Hap is driving a very nice example of a well
waxed, highly polished, meticulously maintained & otherwise "slightly"
tweaked, lightly modified, mislabeled green pineapple and/or coconut hauler.

OTOH, me thinks you need to beware of at least a few of the B5 S4tt's out
there .... There's a couple of two or three, including one for sure motoring
around the CU campus, that'll set you pretty far back in your seat  :-).


~-----Original Message-----
~From: Behalf Of Paul.Park at colorado.edu
~Subject: [s-cars] Hap's car is...wow.
~It's not like I had gotten used to my car's power. .....


~-incoherent, and still blabbing in Colorado
~P.S. - Thanks...and a big NO THANKS;) to you, Hap

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