[s-cars] Re: Lt. Stinky..

William Noland wenoland at pacbell.net
Mon Mar 24 20:33:52 EST 2003

Audi put out a a Technical Service Bulletin on the subject. The TSB
recommended trying different brands of gas. In my case, I've found some
better than others, but none that completely eliminate this embarrasing
problem. Rich running (with accompanying rotten egg smell) will tend to
kill off the cats, so it was wise to check them out. Just seems to be
the nature of the S4 beast, that it's prone to this strange sort of
mechanical flatuence.

Bill N

>My car also has the rotten egg smell occurring under the same circumstances=
> and I also immediately though it was my cats.
>I had the local dealer check out them out (without removing them) via backp=
>ressure test, codes, etc. and found that the backpressure is within normal =
>specs with no codes coming up.  I was also told that the smell means that t=
>he cats are working as they should by burning off excess fuel.  I am still =
>not convinced that they are ok and will be removing them soon and will let =
>you know if I can 'see' any problems with them.
>I have however found that the brand of fuel that is burned makes a huge dif=
>ference (Esso's being the worst).  This difference is not limited to the sm=
>ell either, but also pinging, hesitation etc.

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