[s-cars] Re: Lt. Stinky..

Joseph Pizzimenti pizzoman at yahoo.com
Tue Mar 25 04:20:48 EST 2003

Get rid of the cats.

Oh, God, I can feel the onslaught coming...

Smokey Joe
--- William Noland <wenoland at pacbell.net> wrote:
> Audi put out a a Technical Service Bulletin on the
> subject. The TSB
> recommended trying different brands of gas. In my
> case, I've found some
> better than others, but none that completely
> eliminate this embarrasing
> problem. Rich running (with accompanying rotten egg
> smell) will tend to
> kill off the cats, so it was wise to check them out.
> Just seems to be
> the nature of the S4 beast, that it's prone to this
> strange sort of
> mechanical flatuence.
> Bill N
> >My car also has the rotten egg smell occurring
> under the same circumstances=
> > and I also immediately though it was my cats.
> >
> >I had the local dealer check out them out (without
> removing them) via backp=
> >ressure test, codes, etc. and found that the
> backpressure is within normal =
> >specs with no codes coming up.  I was also told
> that the smell means that t=
> >he cats are working as they should by burning off
> excess fuel.  I am still =
> >not convinced that they are ok and will be removing
> them soon and will let =
> >you know if I can 'see' any problems with them.
> >
> >I have however found that the brand of fuel that is
> burned makes a huge dif=
> >ference (Esso's being the worst).  This difference
> is not limited to the sm=
> >ell either, but also pinging, hesitation etc.
> >
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