[s-cars] front bumper care

CyberPoet thecyberpoet at cyberpoet.net
Fri May 2 16:09:02 EDT 2003

Since I haven't seen a picture of your bumper, this is a
well edumacated guess....
Before you go off and paint it, get a bottle of Mother's
"Back to Black," which is a combination of oils and dyes
for black plastics (about $4.00 in major auto parts
stores). Put it on a small area and see if that gives you
the effect you are looking for...

=-= Marc Glasgow
(Now sitting back and wait for SJ to make some anti-dye comment)


Happy Friday, The black plastic textured part of my front
bumper is getting road worn. Worst at the transition from
vertical to horizontal.  Looks like the finish is being
slowly "sandblasted" off. Any product recommendations to
restore the blackness?  Can this be painted? If so, with
what, and how thick should the nap be on the roller?

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