[s-cars] Engine stopping problem -- Starting Issue

Miikka Salonen miikka.salonen at kolumbus.fi
Tue May 6 03:47:58 EDT 2003

>... The fuel pump in action.
>When you turn over the key, does it start right up as well as making
>this sound,
>or is it a case of the engine not wanting to start when it makes this

It doesn't want to start with the noise. Starter is working fine thou.
In fact, last time engine stopped, I was coming downhill braking with
engine and I could hear the same ticking sound. The sound seems to be
comming just under the stearing wheel, where relays are but who
knows...And if gas pump relay was failing, should the engine still run
some time?


PS. My name is written with two i and two k :o) But don't worry, even
some Finns calls me Miika or even Mika.

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