[s-cars] front bumper care (Richard Kurtzer)

Richard Kurtzer rskurtzer at acninc.net
Mon May 5 23:55:27 EDT 2003

RE:  Black bumper molding care and fading...

One detailer's trick I've used on the black textured sections of the
as well as the side moldings and the black lower trim, is clear silicone
tire dressing.
(This is the kind that comes in a clear or tinted liquid, usually in a spray
Note:  Be VERY CAREFUL when applying this stuff.  It's best to LIGHTLY apply
it with a piece
of foam, such as the "tire swipes"  you find at the auto parts store.  After
LIGHTLY coating
your trim, buff/wipe off the excess with a rag that you don't want to use on
anything else.
That dressing is somewhat nasty stuff, so be careful not to get it on the
paint.  The good news
is, once you dress your black trim with it, it stays nice for a few weeks,
depending on how dirty
or wet the rest of the car goes.

Happy detailing,
Richard Kurtzer
(AKA TurboJew on Audiworld)
rskurtzer at acninc.net

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