[s-cars] I'm ready to SELL if I can't fix the WANDERING problem!!!
aaront at cox-internet.com
Mon May 12 10:39:53 EDT 2003
Concerning wandering -
I know it should not be directly related, but I swear when I replace my
motor mounts (including APR urethane snubber) my car tracked better.
Just 2 cents worth
mlp qwest wrote:
>So Hap, when are the 757 ground effect control surfaces going on the car?
>Is it true what they say in Everboost, these ground control wings will be
>fitted with magnesium flare pods to guard against incoming heat seeking
>~-----Original Message-----
>~From: CaptMagu at aol.com
>~.... I'm caught by traffic in a multi-lane on ramp and I
>~see my opening. Off I go go in 2nd and oh my goodness. Did I mention my car
>~is very powerful. Since the car was going up a slight incline and Apexi was
>~set to low boost at 24lbs, the front end got a little light and the
>~tramlining was severe. I almost lost control of the car. ....
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