[s-cars] I'm ready to SELL if I can't fix the WANDERING problem!!!

mlp qwest mlped at qwest.net
Sat May 10 12:48:47 EDT 2003

So Hap, when are the 757 ground effect control surfaces going on the car?

Is it true what they say in Everboost, these ground control wings will be
fitted with magnesium flare pods to guard against incoming heat seeking


~-----Original Message-----
~From: CaptMagu at aol.com


~....  I'm caught by traffic in a multi-lane on ramp and I
~see my opening. Off I go go in 2nd and oh my goodness. Did I mention my car
~is very powerful. Since the car was going up a slight incline and Apexi was
~set to low boost at 24lbs, the front end got a little light and the
~tramlining was severe. I almost lost control of the car. ....

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