[s-cars] Did my radiator fan kill my battery?

Sandy Sligh sdslig at yahoo.com
Tue May 13 08:29:18 EDT 2003

Last evening i was moving stuff from one apartment to
another, separated by about 1/4 a mile (read: not
driving very far). I drop off a load at the new place,
come home, get another load and come outside and the
electric cooling fan is running. Funny. It wasnt
anywhere near hot yesterday in Northern VA. so I go
make another run, come back and shut off the s4. Come
back out later and the fan is back on again. I go back
inside for the night thinking it'll just shut off at
some point. well, came out to go to work this morning
(the fan wasn't running), turned the key and,
"clickclickclickclickclickclick". The dome light was
dim, the radio was barely audible, the instrument
panel light WERE on as they should be during startup
but the battery was obviously drained.

Question 1: Why would the electric radiator fan run
when it shouldn't and could this be an intermittant
problem? (this is the first time the battery has been
drained but I've noticed the fan running after shutoff
a couple of times)

Question 2: Any issues with jump starting? Will those
selfcontained battery/jumper cable devices be enough
to jumpstart the AAN?



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