[s-cars] was: re S-cars in seattle, now:RS2 Rocks!

Bill Mahoney wmahoney at disk.com
Thu May 15 13:25:49 EDT 2003

Chad opined;
"There is no way I will ever want to sell mine.  Once you go full RS2 on
the engine, get Brembo/Monoblock Brakes and rework the suspension, these
cars are phenomenal.  There is not touching it for the money and I would
have to spend 50k easy to get another more modern quattro as capable as
mine is now."

I would say ditto to that.  IME it prolly takes around $8k to get there
with brake and suspension upgrades to get to rs2.  So it's a long,
seemingly never ending and expensive journey that makes me wonder how
many listers totally get there.
I tell ya, you get spoiled though!  I had opportunity to drive my
neighbors '02 540i 2 days ago and while it makes great motor sounds, is
a great car and is very refined, it never really takes off.  My car
always seems like a caged tiger looking for opportunities to run.  (Or,
maybe that's me;)
Bill m  -helping folks spend money
95 1/2 Avant -27psi till it blows up

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