[s-cars] Vacuum Hose Source

Mark Pollan mark.pollan at mci.com
Thu May 15 14:25:40 EDT 2003

A most kind lister (Mark Turczyn) lent me both a MAF and ISV to help trouble
shoot my faltering idle problem.  Turns out it was the ISV as ALMOST all
idle fluctuations are gone.  My tach fluctuates maybe +- 50 RPMs and then
settles in nicely @ 800 or so.  I am thinking perhaps some minor vacuum
leaks and as such would like to replace all the vacuum hoses.

With all that said, does anybody have a good source and know what sizes (ID)
and lengths would be required to replace 'em all?  I plan on installing my
now dusty Samcos at the same time.

Best regards,

Mark Pollan
95.5 S6

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