[s-cars] need some tunes for when I take it to the track...

Daniel Hussey danh at s-cars.org
Thu May 22 22:53:20 EDT 2003

Suspension and good brakes are all you need.  Not neccessarily big reds, but
some good pads and rotors would be in order.

When you get more aggressive with your driving style and get more into
"late" or trail-braking, you will want big reds or Porsche brakes.


----- Original Message -----
From: "TM" <t44tq at mindspring.com>
To: "'K.C. Madsen'" <Kenneth_Madsen at alumni.nd.edu>; "'S-Car List'"
<s-car-list at audifans.com>
Sent: Thursday, May 22, 2003 6:21 PM
Subject: RE: [s-cars] need some tunes for when I take it to the track...

> If you're a beginner, don't do a lot of mods to the car- learn
> how to drive your car in stock form, then add mods as needed.
> It's very hard to learn how to drive well if you have lots of power,
> lots of brake and lots of grip. Makes pushing the limits only doable
> at very high speeds.
> Knowing what I know now, I'd never have done so much to our cars
> before tracking them.
> Concentrate on wear items- suspension bushings (definitely), cooling
> system (t-stat, heater valve, radiator, afterrun pump, hoses), ignition
> system (power output stages, coil wires), brake system (lines, master
> cylinder condition, clutch master & slave cylinder conditions, fluid,
> pads,
> hydraulic brake booster), hydraulic system (power steering pump and all
> lines,
> pressure accumulator).
> Taka
> -----Original Message-----
> From: s-car-list-admin at audifans.com
> [mailto:s-car-list-admin at audifans.com] On Behalf Of K.C. Madsen
> Sent: Thursday, May 22, 2003 7:58 PM
> To: S-Car List
> Subject: [s-cars] need some tunes for when I take it to the track...
> My father's constant badgering has almost convinced me to take my car to
> Watkins Glenn for a little track time.  However, I've only just recently
> purchased the car and with 130,000 miles on it, I realize I should do
> some major tune-ups before putting the car under that type of strain.
> The only modification so far is a set of Sachs sport springs.  I've
> decided that I'll probably only get the stage one ECU upgrade for my
> first trip.  The RS2 parts can come once I'm able to handle what I've
> got :)
> Keeping in mind that this is a high mileage car, what sort of
> recommendations can anyone make as to maintenance I should perform prior
> to the "big day"?
> As far as my tunes problem... The 10 disc changer worked great when I
> bought the car.  Recently, when I change the mode to CD, the head unit
> will only display the disc and track number but will not play.  I can
> change to any disc loaded in the magazine, but all yield the same
> results.  It's almost as if the player is waiting for me to hit the play
> button... any help on this one ?
> thanks!
> ---
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