No subject

Thu Nov 20 11:46:45 EST 2003

offered with a recirculating action.  Yet another BPV
to complete my collection.  :-)  I did help a buddy
mit 2000 S4 (DBW, but nonESP, thank GOD) tune his
Abt-powered, downpipe equipped HKS SSQ BOV's.  Yes,
they make noise, but they work, with a little bit of
finangling.  He just had them so tight that the car
limped on the highway.  Loosened em up (externally
adjustable, gotta love it!) and the car pulls like,
well (insert visual here).  Car may be running rich,
didn't datalog A/F ratios via VAG-COM yet, but he said
the car feels better than with bailey BPV's, at least
according to his butt.  This may also have something
to do with the reduced weight from his wallet from
buying the BOV's, but the car's fine this week.  Igor,
did you testfit a BOV yet?  I knew you said you were
going to, but yout end to keep things to yourself
these days...

Done ranting...Taka, you're free to criticize now

--- Paul Krasusky <KrasuskyP at>
> Pizzo-
> Sorry I couldn't flap last night, caught me at bad
> time.  All this talk
> about different / louder BPV's and more noise, er,
> "sound", got me
> thinking...
> MAC:  I want my //S6 to sound like THIS.  Hmmm...
> step one...  remove all
> interior and sound deadening...
> -Paul
> CT
> '95 //S6 in search of this killerweakscheet sound
> '58 TR3A not a 12 sec. 1/4 but maybe a 12 sec.
> 0-60...  downhill
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