[s-cars] Re: Squealing A-M on miss piggy
QSHIPQ at aol.com
QSHIPQ at aol.com
Wed Nov 12 07:36:02 EST 2003
I stand by my statement, per your own post below. IME, aftermarket pads
rarely carry the same production tolerances of the factory textars. FOR example.
Just the thickness of the backing plates... I have measured "variances" of
more than 1.5mm on the backing plate alone! Add in the factory "shim" and the
pads may not sit far enough back in the caliper. I have measured tolerances
in excess of 3mm in just pad thickness vs the factory textar as well. In fact,
somewhere in the archives, I posted my findings on 3 or 4 sets of aftermarket
pads for the Textars (a main qlist post where caliper piston travel was being
calculated by MGW if memory serves). I can say I've also had the pleasure
of grinding out of spec stampings of backing plates just to get them to fit. I
can well imagine and predict that, if the backing plate and pad thickness are
variances, then quite possibly the metallic cocktail could very well be a
problem too.
So, my proposed SOLUTION is to put a known entity back in the caliper.
Trying to affix blame to ECS *IS* premature and unwarranted IMO. IF you accept
aftermarket pads, then you accept the above issues, including the resultant
squeal. ANYONE could have *asked* about this problem and gotten the same response
from me, and anyone that services their Big Reds in my shop knows well my
feelings on A-M pads for Big Reds.
A proactive approach is to buy the textars, and then give feedback to ECS
that stock pads should be the ones supplied in the kit. Then again, expect to
pay a bit of a premium, as IME, the textars tend to be higher priced vs the
aftermarkets. Full circle, I sure hope that doesn't generate posts on price...
Sorry, I just find this unbelievable, and it just might show.
Scott Justusson
QSHIPQ Performance Tuning
83 Urq mit big Reds, never a squeal = textars
For THIS very reason, I won't put in any other pad with my Big Red installs,
than the factory Textar.
In a message dated 11/11/2003 1:52:05 PM Central Standard Time,
rdauenhauer at yahoo.com writes:
Scott, refering back to my inital response to Levent,
"since these KIT's were engineered for our cars" My
point is that as a vendor, ECS then has a
responsibility. That responsibility is to sell the
equipment to the application, Not everyone tracks
thier cars and if there is a trade off, ADVISE the
consumer that BTW with X pads are more aggressive and
should be used in Y application. In my case I HAD that
conversation. IE: asked the Q, that are these
approptiate for a predominatly street drivin car. The
answer was YES. No Problem. Tried other Manf. pads and
YES followed the BEDDING procedure to no avail.
In Toms defense, he expresed that my combo had been
sold to many others with no squeel issues, but all of
the sudden,it was occuring on multiple recent kits,
which might lead one to believe a bad run of ...
rotors, Pads, I dont know.
I havent tried the Textar pads. Im Picking up a set
this afternoon.
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