[s-cars] Blaupunkt MDP-01 Compatibility - NOT COMPATIBLE :-(
Kirby Smith
kirby.a.smith at verizon.net
Thu Nov 27 08:30:21 EST 2003
Recalling "Modulation Theory" by Black: Your FM radio sounds like crap
because all stations except classical music stations run at 100%
modulation using compressed dynamics. Given adequate RF signal
strength, the S/N at the FM demodulator, and thereby dynnamic range of
an FM signal, should be better than you can hear in a moving
automobile. Second, the frequency response is to 15 kHz, and I doubt
many of us can hear beyond that in a moving car. Linearity of FM can be
excellent, given sufficient S/N.
In other words, blame your modulator, or blame the FM station's
modulator, but don't blame FM.
Jon Boultinghouse wrote:
> This is also a good idea... the Ipod also works with PC as well, not just
> Macs... the problem with FM modulators is that the sound quality will only
> be as good as a clear radio station.. because it is exactly that. Won't be
> or even MP3 quality... plus you have the alternator buzz that usually comes
> along with FM modulators that everyone loves so much, and you usually have
> to buy a filter for that... but they are cheap.. modulator for $35, filter
> for $10. However, hardwiring it would be easy... looks like the sound input
> wires have been identified, so just plug in the output wires from an Ipod,
> or a Nomad MP3 player (much cheaper, larger hard drives) into the CD changer
> outputs... then just put the head unit on the CD changer mode, and the sound
> will come from the MP3 player controls... you could even keep the CD changer
> hooked up possibly by making your own on/off switch from the changer, so you
> could stop the signal coming from it, and just the MP3 player... I hooked up
> a Sony Clie palm pilot that played MP3's and videos up to a stock head unit
> in an '88 mecedes 230ce 5-speed (gray market of course) it worked perfect...
> I for one am thinking about replacing the head unit all together, and of
> course speakers as well, and getting a head unit that plays MP3 CD's and XM
> radio compatible... big bucks, but an after market system these days will
> out perform any '95 factory bose hands down... just hate to get rid of that
> factory system look... oh well, worth it, XM is great...
> Jonny B. '95 S6 MTM1+
> >From: matt ludwig. <matt.ludwig2 at verizon.net>
> >To: chris chambers <fastscirocco_2000 at yahoo.com>
> >CC: TODD KRAMER <toddekramer at msn.com>,s-car-list <s-car-list at audifans.com>
> >Subject: Re: [s-cars] Blaupunkt MDP-01 Compatibility - NOT COMPATIBLE :-(
> >Date: Tue, 25 Nov 2003 12:06:16 -0500
> >
> >just observing this interesting thread and NOT to cast me as a
> >disbeliever, but. . .
> >
> >why not just get an iPOD @ 5-10, even 15gB worth of data capacity and use
> >either the iTrip FM transmitter accessory or the hard-wired car dock and
> >call it a day? now, i am an un-apologetic apple fan and do love to see OEM
> >parts tuned for all they can be efficient for, but i see some serious
> >headaches in the future to re-map the firmware of the BOSE head unit of
> >the s-car.
> >
> >probably not even $0.01 worth,
> >
> >matt ludwig.
> >1995.5 s6 avant.
> >
> >
> >On Nov 25, 2003, at 11:41 AM, chris chambers wrote:
> >
> >>I just got off the phone with a reseller of this product, he has
> >>informed me that there is software that must reside within the head
> >>unit in order to control it. He said it won't work even if we get the
> >>wiring matched up.
> >>
> >>If this is the case how hard/$$$expenisve would it be to switch over to
> >>a head unit it was designed to work with? Anybody know much about them?
> >>Here is some information on compatible receivers:
> >>
> >>http://www.crutchfield.com/cgi-bin/S-B7ufPDLVsI8/ProdView.asp?
> >>a=&s=0&cc=01&g=50800&id=detailed_info&i=023MDP01
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>So I won't be ordering one at this time....anybody else more willing to
> >>take a gamble? Looks like a nice system...BUT will require replacing
> >>the factory head unit which will lead to new speakers, etc.
> >>
> >>
> >>HTH
> >>Chris
> >>
> >>
> >>--- TODD KRAMER <toddekramer at msn.com> wrote:
> >>>S-listers:
> >>>
> >>>Here is the pin-out for the
> >>>http://www.sounddomain.com/shoplist~b~Blaupunkt~t~MP3+Changers:
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>Bose Gamma Head Unit: Connector II (CD Changer Input)
> >>>
> >>>1 - Bass Right
> >>>2 - Bass Left
> >>>3 - Bass, Ground (common)
> >>>4 - Ground (-)
> >>>5 - Switched 12V+ Power
> >>>6 - 12 V +
> >>>7 - Data
> >>>8 - Data
> >>>
> >>>MDP-01 pinout (Blaupunkt C-3 Connector)
> >>>
> >>>13 - CDC Data
> >>>14 - CDC Data
> >>>15 - 12 V +
> >>>16 - Switched 12V+ Power
> >>>17 - CDC Ground (-)
> >>>18 - CDC AF/Aux Ground (CommonO
> >>>19 - CDC AF/AUX - Left
> >>>20 - CDC AF/AUX - Right
> >>>
> >>>(Simply the reverse order of the Gamma Unit)
> >>>
> >>>Compatible ... logic says yes ... just need a willing soul to attempt
> >>>the cross-wire.
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>Todd Kramer
> >>>' 95 S6 with Blaupunkt Head Unit and MDP-01 1Gig Harddrive
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>\
> >>>
> >>>
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