[s-cars] No start condition

The Gagnons bullitt at gwi.net
Wed Oct 1 07:32:06 EDT 2003

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RE: [s-cars] No start conditionThanks for the reply everybody.  I did get
the blink codes and got a 4444, probably the fuel pump or fuel pump relay

We will see!

  -----Original Message-----
  From: Robert Pastore [mailto:rpastore at animalfeeds.com]
  Sent: Tuesday, September 30, 2003 10:48 PM
  To: 'The Gagnons'
  Subject: RE: [s-cars] No start condition


  As you now know from BTDT, it isn't the POS.  with a POS, one channel will
fail, so the car will run on 4 cyl's.   You really need to show up with a
vag-com, or be prepared to pull the blink codes and have a list handy.

  Possible failures for no start:

  1) ECU fuse (above ECU)-- (no code, can't see ECu with a Vag-com)
  2) Cam position sensor -- (Will throw a code)
  3) RPM Sensor -- (Will throw a code)
  4) TDC sensor -- (Will throw a code)
  5) Fuel pump relay -- No code
  6) Fuel Pump -- No code.

  good luck!

  -----Original Message-----
  From: The Gagnons [mailto:bullitt at gwi.net]
  Sent: Tuesday, September 30, 2003 9:57 PM
  To: S-Car-List
  Subject: [s-cars] No start condition


  I stopped at the store on the way home from work today and when I got back
  in the car it fired up, stumbled and then died.  I tried a few more time
  with similar results.  I saw a buddy of mine on the road, flagged him down
  and got a ride home after trying a few more times.. I figured it could be
  the infamous POS failure, so I robbed the POS modules from my wifes car
  went back to see if I could get it running.  No dice, I tried replacing
  POS moduled with no change.  I called AAA  then proceeded to wait 45
  or so for a flatbed to arrive and bring it a whopping 2 miles to my local

  I am guessing either a timing position sensor or the fuel pump.

  Any thoughts on what went wrong?

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