[s-cars] Back-up Lights/Rear Fog Light Wirning Harness Issues

Mark Pollan mark.pollan at mci.com
Mon Oct 13 09:45:56 EDT 2003

Well, it appears that at least MY S6 suffers from the same malady as my old
type 44 WRT the wiring leading into the trunk.  Seems like the repeated
flexing has stressed the wire in the harness to the point that my back-up
lights and rear fog work only intermittently and only after fiddling with
the harness.  I would like to replace the entire harness as I fear that a
splice in that location coupled with the unsightliness of said splice is
sub-optimal.  Actually the design is sub-optimal but...

I have yet to start dismantling things to have a looksee at the harness and
where the connectors reside.  Has anybody had this issue and replaced the
entire harness?  If so, I'd love to hear about your BTDTs.  Backing down my
curved driveway with dark tint and no back-up lights makes me feel like I
just started driving yesterday.  Quite embarrassing!!


Mark Pollan

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