[s-cars] Misfiring? update

The Gagnons bullitt at gwi.net
Tue Oct 21 06:23:50 EDT 2003


Well I ran the fuel down low and right on que, the misfire appeared 320
miles in the odometer.  I filled up with gas (17gallons) and the problem has
gone away for now.  My mechanic said he did find a lot of crap in the tank
and sucked out what he could.  I think it is definaltely fuel level related
now.  My mechanic said if it does it again, bring it in and he will
warranteed the pump.  He does not beleive that the pump is high in the tank
since he seated it down into the baffle tube properly.  Maybe it just gets
hot when the fuel level is low?  wierd!


> -----Original Message-----
> From: s-car-list-admin at audifans.com
> [mailto:s-car-list-admin at audifans.com]On Behalf Of The Gagnons
> Sent: Tuesday, October 14, 2003 8:27 PM
> To: S-Car-List
> Subject: [s-cars] Misfiring?
> Hello,
> Last Friday I had a problem with my 92 S4.  The car would seem to misfire
> under acceleration and run fine at idle and light throttle.  It started
> after about 10 miles into my trip and seemed to get progressively
> worse.  I
> could drive the car if I babied it and did not give it more than
> about a 1/2
> inch off idle.  I got to my destination (15 miles total), picked
> up my stuff
> and proceeded to drive back to town .  The car ran fine for about
>  2-3 miles
> and then started misfiring again.  I again babied the throttle and parked
> the car at a local restaurant where I met my family for dinner
> and a movie.
> After the movie I drove back home and the car misfired again under
> acceleration after about 7 miles.  I swapped the POS modules with
> my wife's
> S4 and then drove the car again Saturday morning and it did not misfire
> until 8 miles into the trip.  I concluded that the POS modules
> were not the
> problem.
> The car was pretty low on gas during this whole episode, so I filled the
> tank.  The low fuel light came on just as I pulled into the station.  The
> car took 18 gallons.  The misfire has not happened again since I
> filled the
> tank.  I just had the fuel pump replaced the week prior and it
> was the first
> time I had run the tank low since the repair.  The new fuel pump
> was pretty
> noisy after the replacement so I stopped by the shop to ask the
> mechanic if
> he thought the misfiring was related to the noisy fuel pump and if he had
> any ideas about what was causing the problem.  He said it was not
> likely to
> be the fuel pump and some pumps are noisier than others.  I told
> him I could
> hear it 3 feet away from the car and agreed that it was a noisy one and
> offered to warrantee it if it was too loud.  He said the misfire was
> probably a bad coil.
> I have now driven over 70 miles without a misfire and am wondering if the
> fuel pump was not seated properly and the pick-up was sucking air as the
> fuel sloshed around in the tank.  I did inspect the coils and one had a
> pretty bad gray spot that indicates leakage.
> Anybody know if it is possible to install the fuel pump too high
> and create
> the problems I described?
> I intend to run the tank low again to see if the problem reoccurs.  If it
> does not reoccur, I will replace the coil.
>   I just hope I don't get stranded in the meantime!
> Any and all advice appreciated!
> Jack
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