[s-cars] Wiring question

Gabriel Caldwell gabriel at ts.bc.ca
Fri Oct 24 14:23:22 EDT 2003

The PO of my car had a wiring harness installed for trailer lights.  It
just sat in the trunk and was hung out the trunklid when in use, so no
holes in the body thank God.  I got tired of looking at it so I ripped
it out.  He had just sliced off the insulation from some wires in trunk
by the left brake light and tapped in.  No wires were cut or re-routed
that I can tell, it was just piggybacked on there.  I thought ripping it
out would not cause a problem, however the left blinker blinks super
fast and the right blinker is normal after removing it.  Ideas?  Would
somebody be able to take a picture of the wiring behind the carpet below
the left brake light?  MAJOR TIA!!!

Gabriel Caldwell
Tsunami Solutions Ltd.
#202 - 2055 Boundary Road
Vancouver, BC Canada V5M 3Z1
voice: 604.299.5855
fax: 604.648.8158
e-mail: gabriel at ts.bc.ca
url: www.tsunamisolutionsltd.com

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