[s-cars] Cold Engine Stop-Light Stalling

Cody Payne cpayne at bconnected.com
Fri Oct 24 13:05:41 EDT 2003

I have never "lubed" the ISV perhaps it is being sticky from being so clean ;-)

I will try a little WD tonight



-----Original Message-----
From: Mark Pollan [mailto:mark.pollan at mci.com]
Sent: Friday, October 24, 2003 10:57 AM
To: ''S-Car-List (E-mail)'
Subject: RE: [s-cars] Cold Engine Stop-Light Stalling

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Hi Cody:

I'll give you great odds on the ISV being bum.  I had/have EXACT same
symptoms.  I too cleaned, and cleaned, and cleaned, and then lubed ISV but
to no avail.  A kind lister allowed me to borrow a spare, known good ISV,
and the symptoms as you describe disappeared.

I still have the symptoms 'cuz I have as of yet to get a new ISV.

Best regards,


 -----Original Message-----
From: 	s-car-list-admin at audifans.com [mailto:s-car-list-admin at audifans.com]
On Behalf Of Cody Payne
Sent:	Friday, October 24, 2003 10:57 AM
To:	'S-Car-List (E-mail)
Subject:	[s-cars] Cold Engine Stop-Light Stalling

S-Car Gods,
	Gents...ok..the gremlins continue to haunt me on this stalling issue
when the engine is cold. I have changed my O2 Sensor, Spark Plugs (Bosch
FDPOR), cleaned ISV and confirmed works w/ OutPut Tests.  But my car stalled
again this AM coming to my 1st stoplight on the way to work about 1 min from
home.  It nearly stalled again at the 2nd stoplight which is another 1.5 min
or so from the 1st but I was able to heal and toe her to keep it running.
But once the car got warmed up on the highway it seemed to be ok.  Still
seems I have a bit of sporadic idle when cold too...sort of bounces around
1.2K then settles down to 750-800.  Other then the stalling problem car is
running very strong.  The only other thing I changed and have not changed
back is my Stiffer WG spring?

Vacuum leak? ISV bad? Fuel Pump? (It is only 1 year old) Fuel Filter? (Only
5K Old)



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