[s-cars] Things I want to know...

Joseph Pizzimenti pizzoman at yahoo.com
Sun Oct 26 06:42:45 EST 2003

Bobby Eagle, comments inserted a la QSHITQ:

--- Rfeagleye at aol.com wrote:
> --
> [ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
> Ok, was working on the car(s) yesterday,


and have
> been thinking about a few
> things and want your opinions, etc.

Okay, but you asked for this.

> First, what do you guys think about painting these
> cars? I have some
> clearcoat issues on a black 1993 S4 and was thinking
> about getting the car painted
> after the winter. Do you think it is foolish or
> worth it? Will it detract from
> value on resale? I think it would be nice to have
> better paint and don't see a
> downside, except cost, and the fact it will
> deteriorate again from driving.

I say just do it.  These cars are getting up in age
and a repaint's in order.  Hell, if you're going to do
it, do something cool like a pearlcoat or wetsanding
between clearcoats or pink polka dots.  Yeah, polka
dots might be cool.
If anything, it will help you get more $$$ for the car
when you do sell it.  Especially with the pink polka
dots.  And don't forget to put on an oversized rear
wing.  Chicks dig that shit.

> I noticed that the screens under the wipers in front
> of the windows have
> broken in some areas. The car is garaged, so no
> debris gets in there (I hope!),
> but are these replaceable? Do you have to replace
> the whole panel under the
> wipers?

Ah, just take it off and use epoxy on it and see if
that helps mask the problem.  I'd check out a junkyard
like Force5 before paying the stealer for a new one,

> Recently I had new tires installed. I was getting
> some bad tramlining and
> road noise. The tramlining stopped with the new
> tires (and an alignment!), but I
> still get some road noise that sounds like it is
> wheel bearings. But the front
> wheel bearings and strut bearings are new. I was
> wondering if the rear wheel
> bearings can go bad similar to the front? Has anyone
> had the rears replaced
> and found road noise decreased? The road noise is
> similar to wheel bearings, a
> bit louder than what I have experienced with just
> tires.
> Regarding the above, I get some shaking when
> stopping the car from highway
> speeds. It has an ECS Big Black kit. It seems to be
> a lot like a warped rotor.
> Has anyone had this? Could this be the culprit
> behind the noise in the
> paragraph above?

If it's the Stage II, it's probably warped rotors.
Replace these before chasing a wheel bearing.  Might
just be the caliper's not torqued down right.  Might
just be your wife whining about you spending too much
money.  I recommend a rubber mallet for the above.

'03 Evo VIII (with convenient lunchtray rear wing and
crappy Mitsu paint)

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