[s-cars] RE: Cutoff at 6k rpm

Krasusky Paul (WQQ2PXK) WQQ2PXK at ups.com
Fri Sep 5 10:00:34 EDT 2003

Igor postulated, added 2 and 2, came up with 3:

are you saying that the original cluster off my '97 UrS ended up in your
car? Caniballised to boot?
Igor Kessel
two turbo quattros>>>

Ah, it would appear so.  Didn't realize you were the birthing father of such
item.  I enjoy the chrome trim effect, like on my TR3, heh heh.  So, if
you'll call that cannibalized, well...

Thanks for the part, I guess, in an indirect not direct sorta way!  8-)


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