[s-cars] DahlBack Racing BYpass Valve

Andrew.Jackson at bmo.com Andrew.Jackson at bmo.com
Tue Sep 23 11:38:53 EDT 2003

I've been running a Dahlback BPV for approx 8months now. I bought it
because I was fed up with the honking from my (3rd!) Bosch valve.
It was also (believe it or not,) cheaper than the others and a matter of
convenience since I was already placing my order for the S2/RS2 cone.

20% more flow? I don't know 'bout that.
I can say though that it doesn't crack open as easily at part throttle
like the Bosch units did. Meaning no more "hissing" when trying to stay
the limit at highway speeds.  Something that was VERY audible (and
annoying) with a cone setup.

YM of course MV.


"Angelo Alexopoulos" <airs41994 at hotmail.com>
Sent by: s-car-list-admin at audifans.com
09/23/2003 09:44 AM

        To:     Frederic.L'Huillier at Siebel.com, s-car-list at audifans.com
        Subject:        RE: [s-cars] DahlBack Racing BYpass Valve

According to their website you get 20% more flow. Now whether or not you
actually feel a difference remains to be seen but I am under the
that my stock one is on its way out and I just put it in a few years ago,
that is the new Bosch unit too. I noticed that a few listers had other
aftermarket bypass valves so I decided to try one that maybe someone had
given a try. I just visited their website and they also introduced what
call a "Super Dump Valve" This sorta works the same as our bypass valve
it vents into the atmosphere also causing the cool chirping sound you hear
on the S1 and the Trans AM and IMSA car!


94 S4
83 urq

>From: "Frederic L'Huillier" <Frederic.L'Huillier at Siebel.com>
>To: "Angelo Alexopoulos" <airs41994 at hotmail.com>,s-car-list at audifans.com
>Subject: RE: [s-cars] DahlBack Racing BYpass Valve
>Date: Tue, 23 Sep 2003 13:20:13 +0100
>Out of curiosity, what is the gain/benefits from Dalhback Bypass Valve ?
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Angelo Alexopoulos [mailto:airs41994 at hotmail.com]
>Sent: Tuesday, September 23, 2003 2:08 PM
>To: s-car-list at audifans.com
>Subject: [s-cars] DahlBack Racing BYpass Valve
>Hi all,
>I received my new bypass valve. I wanted to replace the stock one with
>somethnig different. I went to the Dahlback Racing website a few weeks
>ago and found some nice goodies on there. So I ordered the new bypass
>valve from them. I got it last week and this thing is a monster! It is
>almost twice the size of the stock one! Hopefully I will install it
>either today or tomorrow. Will keep you guys posted!
>94 S4
>83 urq
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