[s-cars] 93 urS4: seat heater bulb replacement

Billing, Eric eric.billing at eds.com
Thu Sep 25 15:53:21 EDT 2003

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I swapped the bulbs in my seat heater switches this past weekend. As prepar=
ed as I was, thanks to write-ups on urS4.com, I was not prepared for the fa=
ct that my 93 urS4 used red bulbs vs. the clear that I had purchased. NOTE =
to self: read all of the discussion before you being your project.

Since a return trip to the parts store was not an option, I grabbed a bottl=
e of the wife's finger nail polish. Upon installation, everything looked gr=
eat. A very OEM red look....at least at first. Apparently the bulbs are hot=
 enough to cook the nail polish. After about 2 hrs the color faded until wh=
at appears now is a dull faint pink.

So its back to the drawing board... anyone want to share how they made thei=
r clear bulbs glow red? If there really such a thing as a bulb condom, wher=
e do I find them---and what are they really called? If you used red paint o=
f some sort, what was it?

Thanks in advance.



Eric Billing
Eagan, MN 55123

eric.billing at eds.com

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