[s-cars] RE : Connectors cover in FA and looking for a parting car

Vincent Frégeac vfregeac at sympatico.ca
Sat Apr 3 13:37:12 EST 2004

Going further in the list of small tid’n buts, there is a few other P/N
I would need:
- the plastic fastener for the sound deadener (belly pan)
- the rubber washers which avoid these fastener to fall from the belly
- the bracket these fasteners goes into.
-----Message d'origine-----
De : Vincent Frégeac [mailto:vfregeac at sympatico.ca] 
Envoyé : 3 avr. 2004 13:13
À : 's-car-list at audifans.com'
Objet : Connectors cover in FA and looking for a parting car
Spring is coming and I try to make a list of all the small plastic
broken parts I’ve been too lazy to replace, like a connectors cover
fastener. I’ve found most of them in the FA but I can’t find the
connectors cover on the firewall in the FA to determine if the fastner
have a specific P/N.
By the way, once the list will be completed, I’m looking for someone
parting his car and willing to spend an hour and two collecting plastic
tid’n bits and sending them all together so the price is worth the time
he spent on it.
Vincent, trying to catch up with the winter toll on plastic parts, F

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