Subject: [s-cars] Fliud questions

Kirby Smith kirby.a.smith at
Sat Apr 3 17:06:32 EST 2004

GL 5 gear oil usually has sulfer compounds that eat brass syncros when
hot.  Use GL4 in the tranny, or Audi recommended stuff, and GL5 in the
rear differential.


Mike Platt wrote:
> Hi Tom,
> Gear oil. I ain't gettin in any darned battle here
> but.. I put in Castrol synthetic gear oil in the front
> and rear. Boy does gear oil stink!!! It's been almost
> a year and I have had no ill effects in the cold. I
> have driven car in -29 and many times well below zero
> this winter. All is well in wet, snow, and dry. Take
> your time filling the tranny though. The fluid needs
> to go up and over to get to the driveshaft output
> area. Give yourself 20 minutes for this. I found lying
> under car daydreaming, and looking for other crap to
> fix, made the time go by. Check seals too. I replaced
> mine when we all did the clutch last May.
> Brake fluid. Track junkies, like myself swear by the
> blue stuff but I have been using the Valvoline syn
> power dot 4. The boiling point is like 5 degrees less
> than the Super blue, price a bit less. I ran some
> track days in my 2400 lb P-car with no problems. It's
> been in my 4000lb avant with no problems either.
> Good Luck.
> Mike P
> 95.5 avant
> 2 P-cars
> 1 red Duc
> 1 good ole merican pickup
> To: <s-car-list at>
> Message-ID:
> <000901c415ae$eade0c50$f7c1529f at>
> Content-Type: text/plain;       charset="iso-8859-1"
> Good progress on the garage queen this weekend despite
> the distraction
> of
> concurrently installing a paver driveway for my tenant
> next door (he
> has a
> BMW, so regular asphalt won't do - lol).  Got the
> front end all back
> together with the springs and struts, camber plates,
> big reds, and new
> CV
> boots.  I also took the tie rods apart and lubed them
> up to make the
> alignment people happy.  I'm hoping to finish the rear
> this week and
> move on
> to other things.  I think I will drive the car a bit
> before diving into
> the
> RS2 stuff.
> So anyway, I'm almost afraid to ask, but it is time to
> full and flush
> the
> brake fluid, and change the trans and rear end fluid.
> I expect this
> car to
> be predominantly a road creature, but track use is
> very likely.  This
> is New
> England, so temps will range from zero degrees Kelvin
> to the inferno of
> Hell - sometimes during the same week.  The car
> currently has 73k on
> it, and
> I assume it is running on dino oil.
> So what to use and where - engine, trans, rear,
> brakes?  I under that
> the
> trans needs GL4 and the rear prefers GL5 (no diff lock
> on this beast,
> if
> that matters).  What the best thing to use, where to
> buy?  Should I
> bleed
> the clutch, or just the brakes?  Engine oil blend or
> full synth?
> I know this is a can of worms, but I have heard both
> good and bad about
> the
> Redline stuff, I don't know much about the BG
> stuff....
> Tom Mullane
> 20vt engine still for sale!
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