[s-cars] Anyone have an exploded view of...

Sandy Sligh sdslig at yahoo.com
Wed Apr 28 16:52:25 EDT 2004

In the rear suspension, the transverse links control
rear wheel camber. There is another support that sits
below and to the rear of the transverse link that is
simply labelled "support" in the Bentley. It adjusts
and holds the rear wheel toe-in.  It is connected to
the hub with a bolt/bushing combo and to the
trapezoidal arm with two nut/bolt combos inserted
through slotted holes.  I need an exploded view of
this support piece. 

Shop broke one of these two bolts and wont attempt a
repair without a diagram to refer to.  A request has
been sent to the dealer but they're dragging their
feet big time. Was hoping to maybe scoop them and get
the diagram to them myself. 


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