[s-cars] Short- failed head gasket causing excessive oil blowby?

Richard Tanimura rictan302 at yahoo.com
Thu Apr 29 09:11:34 EDT 2004


You see it as an opportunity because you are an 
intelligent, forward looking example of economic
prudence. You saved your nickels and dimes for the
time when you would blow your gasket knowing that when
you did, it would be the perfect opportunity to make
all kinds of great mods.

The rest of us are already broke from buying essential
stuff like dump valves that make cool whistling sounds
and carbon trim panels that make the car feel a lot
faster. Who plans ?


> Ray,
>  When I blew my head gasket I looked at it as an
> opportunity to do the things 
> I never thought I would like port and polished head,
> pauder rods, multi layer 
> steel head gasket, ARP studs, piston rings, and all
> the gaskets I could get 
> my hands on. I bought a head that was already port
> and polished so I do have an 
> extra head if you end up needing one. Good luck,
> Elijah

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