[s-cars] Dreaming of New Wheels - '92S4

mlp mlped at qwest.net
Sat Aug 7 10:22:22 EDT 2004

IMO, there is no other "stock" Audi rim, nice or even "really nice" that,
from a performance standpoint even comes close to the 92 OEM 16" rim.  In
fact I can't think of a single other 16x8 rim in a 5x112 bolt pattern
available from any other source.  Can anyone else?

Yes, IMO the wheels are definitely worth fixing.  $600 however sounds a bit
high for 4 rims.  I would think you should be able to get it done for
somewhere between @ $400 on the very low side, to $500 or so.


>-----Original Message-----
>From: s-car-list On Behalf Of Mike Bishoff

>So, my questions are: Is it worth spending $600 to get my 
>wheels fixed? Or. should I find someone locally that has nice 
>(really nice) stock Audi rims that they're interested in 
>parting with? I'm not necessarily hung up on having the exact 
>92S4 wheels, but stock 16" Audi wheels for sure.
>Thanks for any help and insight.
>Mike - Silver/Black 92S4, still less than 100k miles on the 

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