[s-cars] News about recent Stromung field experience

Postupack, Jeff Jeff.Postupack at analog.com
Sat Dec 4 05:40:40 EST 2004

Recently there have been some weld failures on the early production Stromung RSS downpipes
notably on RS2 (and further) modified cars.
This failure has been traced to the fact that these early edition DP's did not have a stainless brace holding the 
wastegate tube to the downpipe. I think at this point, most of these have been replaced.
The brace is essential to limit the movement caused by heat induced expansion/ contraction and the physical movement near the wastegate bellows.
Stromung has been replacing the failed DP's free of charge, and has since updated the RSS DP to include 2
braces, that are welded from the wastegate tube to the DP.
You can see these braces from the top side of the wastegate area, and should inspect these from time to time
and make sure the welds are firm.
I am compelled to follow through and help anyone receive a warranty replacement given my advocacy of this exhaust system.  The Owner, Scot, has a positive attitude WRT customer service and is normally quick to respond. 

It's come to my attention recently at least one lister is waiting an unreasonable amount of time for his replacement.
I'm calling on his behalf to push for the shipment.
On my IA Stage III modified 93 S4, I've been running the latest RSS for about 10 months now, with no trouble at all.
I inspect is regularly to be sure. 
It appears to me the RS2 and beyond cars stress the exhaust system and this RSS design may need to be improved and better material used.

In addition to the fact that in stock replacement parts needs to in place to reduce wait time, I recommended to Stromung more aggressive steps be taken to be prepared.   

All this may effect the product cost in the future, as I am pushing for more dealer like service.
Write to me if you need my help on any of this.
All the best
Jeff Postupack

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