[s-cars] RE: non working cruise

Keith Maddock keith.maddock at gmail.com
Tue Dec 7 13:38:48 EST 2004

Krasusky Paul (WQQ2PXK) <wqq2pxk at ups.com> wrote:
> Matt intermittently cruised as did Calvin and "BOB DG":
> <<<The third problem I also have and have done the exact same thing you have
> with similar results.  If you figure anything out please share as the cruise
> not working is getting irritating.
> --Calvin>>>
> Mine suffered the same until it's ultimate eventual complete demise.  Your
> days are numbered.

Ditto !

> ps.  oh FWIW a balanced LF wheel took care of my violent 90mph shudder...

Nice, simple solution!

> the clips *were* installed erroneously on my inner door handle cable causing
> it to stick / not work...  

Phew :)  So the Kindergardener diagram helped? :-D

>  I've got a new mod in the works to remedy all these headaches

I hope that this mod doesn't include a sledgehammer....

> (and create more)...

What the upcoming twin terrors won't create enough headaches for you as it is?


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