Oil Temp gauge? -- Re: [s-cars] Re: S-CAR-List Digest

lee at wheelman.com lee at wheelman.com
Fri Dec 17 13:36:59 EST 2004

On Fri Dec 17 10:29:58 PST 2004, Bill Clancy 
<clancybill at yahoo.com> wrote:

> Yes... that's exactly what mine does (except for the Autobaun 
> part).    It
> seems useless.    And one time when I accidentally drove the car 
> for an
> extended period of time without coolant, it didn't really 
> indicate any
> noticeable change either.

Hmm. My wife tried that with our 200t. The center display showed 
the erupting symbol, but I don't know if the temp gauge moved.

The 10 valve head, and the radiator, did mind the lack of coolant 

'02 A6 3.0 quattro avant
'96 A6 2.8 quattro avant

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