[s-cars] control arm removal

Rich Letsinger ricoletsinger at yahoo.com
Thu Feb 19 18:58:35 EST 2004

> I'm trying to remove the control arm (93 S4).
> Manual indicates that I have to extract a bushing
(metal tube) from the
> inner bushing (metal and rubber).

>liquid nitrogen and a hammer was my preferred method

You'll need those sleeves for the new control arms so
I'd have to recommend against Steve's suggestion... 
I've always been able to grab that sleeve with needle
nose pliers, work the control arm around and pull the
sleeve out.  You'll need the ball joint separated, of
course, before this will come close to working.

Oh, and by the way Steve, liquid nitrogen and a hammer
was how Alex and I got your old turbo off...  Maybe
that's why you have a boost issue...  ;)


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