[s-cars]Re: Ebay Auctions close

Keith Maddock keith-list at maddock.uzipp.com
Mon Feb 23 14:40:21 EST 2004

>>  "Doug Landaeta" <landaeta1 at comcast.net> wrote:
>>Glad I wasn't in on this Avant, that's more than I
>>was thinking of paying, but whomever's got it now
>>might consider a set of 'gently used ' Lehmann
>Doug, I wouldn't despair.  It will most likely be back on ebay auctions 
>again.   Look at the winning bidder.  Wanna guess at his relationship to 
>the seller.  This car has been auctioned three times already.

Why don't we report him to ebay then, if it seems that he has a pattern of 
this, that's very much against ebay rules...


keith at maddock.com    http://keith.maddock.com/
Black 968CS "KO KM 968" + 1/8 Dunkleburgunder GTI  "HG CC 96"

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