[s-cars] speeding ticket in MA

Theodore Chen tedebearp at yahoo.com
Fri Feb 27 14:10:10 EST 2004

does anybody here have experience with fighting a radar speeding ticket in 
massachusetts, or have recommendations for a lawyer?

i'm also trying to determine whether massachusetts will report traffic
convictions to my home state (california).

i looked at this link:

according to this link, CA is a member of the Driver's License Compact (DLC)
but not the Non-Resident Violator Compact (NRVC).  MA is not a member of 
the DLC but is a member of the NRVC.

CA and MA are members of the International Registration Plan, but that's
for commercial heavy vehicles.

if i'm reading this right, if i just pay the fine it won't be reported
to CA.

the story, if you want to know:
i got a speeding ticket on I-93E heading to the airport in boston.  i was 
trying to read a map to figure out what to do when i came out of ted williams 
tunnel, and i didn't notice that the speed limit had changed from 65 to 45.
i was cruising behind a car in front of me, and as i moved over into the
right lane, a cop sitting on the median between the road and on-ramp tagged 
me at 70 mph.  there was also a truck behind me, so the presence of two
vehicles nearby may have affected his radar readings.

i don't know how fast i was going because i hadn't looked at my speedometer
and seeing the unmarked car on the median made me think he might be
pulling out in front of me, so i was thinking more about avoidance than

it's all about revenue for them.  as much as i hate to pay into their
revenue-generating scheme, it may be easier for me to just pay the
$250 fine if it's not going to be reported to my state.

if i elect to challenge the ticket, the court will set a hearing date
that may not work for me (since i'm out of state).  i'm not sure whether
MA would allow me to ask for another date, or bail out by paying the fine.


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