[s-cars] An interesting FMIC "fact" (?)
Lewis, Gary M
gary.m.lewis2 at boeing.com
Fri Feb 27 18:31:01 EST 2004
This thread seems to have turned into one of splitting hairs. Those that are running ~my spec and want an FMIC, and others trying to figure out if an FMIC is right for them.
My .02.
This is what I'd consider as a baseline (Read: minimum spec) prior to doing an FMIC
RS2 Stuff:
EM, Turbo (equivalent or better), MAF, Injectors, 24ish psi software. Why is 24 psi the magic number? Based on all the IC flowcharts and turbo maps, where the K26 based turbo and stock IC begin to get really inefficient, and adversely affect each other from a temp/pressure loss standpoint. The turbo spins harder to overcome pressure losses makes more heat, the IC is hit with more pressure (and heat), can't dissipate, vicious circle.
I have the above at 26 psi, and the IC heat soaks pretty quickly.
Note: I quickly broke a K24 running the above.
If you are running say the MTM chip for the RS2 turbo/EM and Stock Injectors/MAF, and are pinging, get Water Injection, or add the RS2 Injectors and MAF and Pastore/VMAP/RS2/26 psi software (but then you might need/want an FMIC).
A bigger turbo (K24 vs. RS2) will run better, but at higher rpm's. If you get the bigger turbo, might as well get the injectors and MAF and Pastore/VMAP/RS2/26 psi software. When there was talk of bigger turbots, it seemed in the vein of bigger than RS2 to overcome the pressure loss of the stock IC at 24 and above psi. In other words, going to a K27 from an RS2 trying to "FIX" the pressure losses. That seems silly. Going to an RS2 over a K24 running above 18-20 psi is a REAL performance mod. Worth doing IMHO. Going to a K27 and above because the IC is too small doesn't make mathematical sense to me. Probably a lot of fun above 4,500 rpm tho'. Going to a K27 or Garrett monster sounds killer after the FMIC. Ask Hap, MLP, Trevor, and others. If you already have the RS2 spec with a bigger than RS2 turbo, you will benefit more from an FMIC than RS2 turbo equipped cars.
Gary Lewis
1995.5 S6 Avant, Green/Ecru, RS2 MAF, RS2 Exhaust Manifold, RS2 Injectors, Custom Turbo (K26 Turbine, Factory K26 Cold side (Audi Works '999' P/N) with 50mm intake and custom Innovative Turbo compressor wheel), TurboXS Type 25 Bypass Valve, Bilsteins, Eibachs, Big Reds, Spec II Clutch.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Theodore Chen [mailto:tedebearp at yahoo.com]
> Sent: Friday, February 27, 2004 12:05 PM
> To: steve powers; s-car-list at audifans.com
> Subject: Re: [s-cars] An interesting FMIC "fact" (?)
> --- steve powers <steve at thepowers.net> wrote:
> > Teddy -
> > >
> > > suppose you have a chipped UrS4/S6 that is otherwise stock. you
> > > have to run 91 octane, and you notice the car often pulls
> timing and
> > > boost at WOT.
> > >
> > > what would you change if you were going to spend
> $1000-$2000 on the
> > > powertrain? bigger turbo that would run more
> efficiently? bigger
> > > IC?
> > >
> > > somebody on this list said to do the IC first, but it sounds like
> > > you're saying do something else first. water injection?
> >
> > It's a slippery slope.
> >
> > Here are the perf mods that I've done to the powertrain
> since owning
> > my car:
> >
> > 1) buy new 95.5 S6 Avant in December 1995
> > 2) chip and add RS2 (IA version) manifold in 1996 (~$1500)
> > 3) replace head due to dealer screwup in 2003 (> $8K but free to me)
> > 4) add RS2 MAF, FPR, injectors, silicone hoses, metal ('93)
> capped stock IC,
> > Stromung exhaust, 2B K26/27 turbo, Forge BPV, 7A cam, 3
> BAR sensor
> > and
> > rechip
> >
> > The exhaust manifold helped lower the engine temp even
> before I added
> > the
> > larger turbo. Step 4 above was done over a couple of days.
> At one point, I
> > had the new firmware and 3 BAR sensor in with the old
> turbo. I had to
> > watch that I didn't overspin the turbo. That baby really
> wanted to sing
> > and noticed much, much better low end response than stock
> or previous
> > chip level.
> >
> > Are you putting $1-2K only in this, or is that all you can spend
> > today? If
> > the former, maybe an exhaust and a manifold (closer to
> $2K). That shouldn't
> > require a rechip, which will take a large bite out of this sum.
> i forgot about the exhaust manifold. my car has MTM II+,
> which is the chip, 3 bar sensor, and RS2 exhaust manifold.
> everything else is stock. i also have to use 91 octane, which
> is all we get in CA now. the car doesn't like the 91 octane,
> and it's not always easy to get higher octane.
> at first i thought a bigger turbo that ran more efficiently
> would be the way to go. then somebody said do the
> intercooler first, so that's what i was thinking about doing.
> now it sounds like water injection is the way to go.
> i won't rule out spending more on the car, but i don't want
> to be locked into it, either.
> -teddy
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