[s-cars] VAG-COM adapter location

mlp qwest mlped at qwest.net
Thu Jan 1 16:21:12 EST 2004

In my 95 Avant, the connections (one black 2 wire, one white 2 wire) are
located at the front of the relay box located under the bonnet, immediately
above the driver's feet, i.e., apparently your "nada" location #2.

A picture being worth, so I'm told, at least 1,000 words, I've sent a second
email with a photo of the location and one of the OBD 1 (?) to new VAG/OBD 2
adapters attached.


~-----Original Message-----
~From: s-car- On Behalf Of Robert Rauner

~Group: ....

~ .... But, for the life of me, I can't locate the VAG-COM
~adapter plug-in for this S6 car!.  I've tried  the two  locations suggested
at the VAG-COM
~site: in the panel betweeen the seats (where the differential
~button is), and
~the fuse/relay box near the driver's side firewall. Nada.  Can
~anybody point
~me in the right direction?

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